This New Year resolution is Black unity and we must come together as one people. Speak with one voice one vote because, voting is the only power that we have and we are not using it to our benefit.
The Democrats 2024 Election
Joe Biden is running the same campaign he ran in 2020. He used the COVID as an excuse to stay in his basement and let the Media and Big Tech do his bidding. Forward to 2024 he is using the Alphabets agency to do his bidding and the Medias are complicit. The republicans need to be proactive and start to challenge the democratic states to have a voters scrub if not the will not win another election. Do not wait until the ballots are cast then you they to contest them that is already too late. Take them to court to start scrubbing those ballots.
Roe vs Wade should been overturn long time ago. And be regulated and done in hospital setting under special circumstance after consulting with both parents. It must not be open ended like the Democrats want it be a farm of birth control (abortion on demand).And it must not be restrictive like the Republicans want it to be not abortion at all even to the detriment of the mother. You cannot leave it up to bias judge that is craziness.
Nether the Democrats or Republicans want to resolve this issue because, both parties had fully control of congress and the White so they could have codify and make it
The issue of abortion should be the law of the land by congress.
They are using the illegals to water down our votes
Voting is the New revolution